PowerBI Interview Questions

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  1. Calculated Columns vs Measures
  2. Implicit vs Explicit DAX Measure
  3. Calculate vs Filter
  4. Explain Cardinality
  5. Transform vs Add Column
  6. Active vs Inactive Relationships
  7. Primary Key vs Foreign Key
  8. Explain Drillthrough filters
  9. Explain the difference between “Switch to next level” vs “Expand next Level” and explain when would you use each functionality? [Hint: These options lie in the Data/Drill Ribbon]
  10. Level of Granularity vs Level of Aggregation
  11. “Edit queries” vs “Data” tab
Calculate () –  
Filter () – Returns a table that represents a subset of another table or expressions
 && – And 
 || – Or
Iterator Functions – Does the operation it row by row before aggregating (eg. Price * Quantity)
Time Intelligence Formulas
DATEADD (eg. Showcase Next Month or Previous Month)
DATESINPERIOD (eg. 10-day rolling total)
 Conditional Formatting – Bars (YTD)


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